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Automatic screw machine technology innovation to promote high-end consumer groups

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Automatic screw machine technology innovation to promote high-end consumer groups

Data:2016-06-03 00:00 Source: Click:

     With the continuous growth of the national economy and the continuous rise of consumer purchasing power, China's automatic screw machine industry also showed a significant trend of high-end, functional. Some enterprises, seized the opportunity to take advantage of industry trends, targeting high-end features of automatic screw machine market, further improve the product line layout.

     In the past two years, consumers have a substantial increase in the price acceptance of automatic screw machine products, market growth has gradually shifted to the focus of high-end products. In the high-end automatic screw machine market, consumers pay more attention to human and functional automatic screw machine products, and is no longer confined to the safety, comfort, beauty and other common aspirations.

     Why functional automatic screw machine in recent years, the rapid growth of industry insiders said, functional automatic screw machine rapid expansion there are two main factors. First, the promotion of industrial restructuring and transformation and upgrading. Now ordinary automatic screw machine market competition, profit margins have been squeezed too close to zero, can say what. Under this situation, automatic screw machine enterprises have adjustment and transformation, to enter the function of automatic screw machine field, developed a unique function of automatic screw machine, can avoid the vicious competition in the general automatic screw machine market, access to high profits. Two is the promotion of market demand. With the change of living environment, consumer demand is also increasing. And functional automatic screw machine has some special functions to meet the needs of coated product design and improve the use of performance. It can be said that it is a number of products in the special environment of the application of functional requirements, and promote the development of functional automatic screw machine.

     The function of automatic screw machine long-standing, but the overall market has become bland. But in the past two years, function of automatic screw machine suddenly increased, the automatic screw machine manufacturers have put their health function of automatic screw machine, a picture propaganda green advertising posters everywhere, the function of automatic screw machine has truly become automatic screw machine market leading role.

     "The starting point of technological innovation is to serve the people, to meet the needs of people. It can be said that the functional automatic machine to play the market development prospects of the screw machine." Industry experts said that the function will become the future high-end automatic screw machine market the important features and development trend, become other ordinary automatic screw machine after, and expand market capacity of the rapid growth of the industry. Although the function of automatic screw machine is currently in its infancy stage, but has begun to take shape, will usher in rapid development period.

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